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Nowra East Public School

Nowra East Public School

Safe, respectful, responsible learners

Telephone02 4421 3539

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At Nowra East Public School, positive behaviour for learning is based on school-wide expectations which apply in all circumstances and all settings. Our values encourage all members of the school community to be safe, respectful, responsible learners. Our strong sense of community, shared goals and interconnected responsibility for our students underpins all we do. Our students ‘belong here with us’.

Nowra East Public School has four key values:

Nowra East Public School Behaviour Expectations and Matrix

This matrix of expected behaviours outlines the expectations for students in different school contexts. These expectations are taught as needed in weekly PBL lessons in every classroom.

At Nowra East Public School teachers:

● explicitly teach personal and interpersonal management skills with ongoing reference to the matrix of behavioural expectations,

● implement preventative interventions and create a positive physical and emotional culture within the classroom,

● celebrate the positive behavioural choices of students by using low-key timely feedback and using more formal acknowledgement systems,

● act to prevent problem behaviour by providing appropriate adjustments, using trauma-informed pedagogies and analysing situations for the function of behaviours,

● proactively and consistently uphold expectations using corrective interventions, positive prompts and incentives,

● calmly respond to problem behaviours by supporting students in owning the impact of their behaviours, implementing logical consequences and participating in school incident data collection practices and debriefs,

● seek assistance from families, school-based and external specialist staff, and by referring students to the learning and support team, school counsellor and/or Our Mia Mia Wellbeing Hub.

Acknowledgement Systems

We have developed acknowledgement systems that celebrate students demonstrating expected behaviours. 

Class Dojo

As our ‘free and frequent’ acknowledgement system, each class uses Dojos to provide instant feedback on expected behaviours. 

Students can trade in Dojos whenever they like or at the Stage 3 leader facilitated Dojo Shop. Some students choose to trade small amounts with their teacher frequently, while others save larger amounts for big ticket items. The Dojo Shop menu is collaboratively created with input from students.

Playground Awards

Playground Awards are a whole school acknowledgement system used for expected behaviours in outdoor spaces. Students put awards into a class box and one student from each class is pulled out at assembly to receive a canteen voucher. Each class tub is then tipped into a larger container. When certain levels are reached, students receive a whole-school reward.

Value and Lyrebird Awards

Value and Lyrebird Awards are our ‘long and strong’ system. Students receive Value Awards in class for demonstrating school values. When students have acquired three awards, they earn a Lyrebird Badge (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond) which is awarded at assembly. Families are contacted in advance regarding the awarding of badges to encourage their attendance at assembly. There is no limit on the number or frequency of certificates that a teacher can award, rather they are a genuine and timely reflection of student effort and achievement.

Kindness Awards

We recognise and celebrate kindness at Nowra East Public School. Teachers regularly nominate students for random acts of kindness around the school. These students receive a nomination certificate, with one winner from K-2 and 3-6 selected at the end of each term to receive a prize donated by a local business.

In 2023, prizes are donated by Dymocks Nowra and The Art Hub Nowra.